¿En qué estado resides?

This table lists all the recorded votes for this poll. If anonymous users are allowed to vote, they will be identified by the IP address of the computer they used when they voted.
VisitanteVotarordenar por icono Federal Federal Federal Federal
Neko PuiDistrito Federal
DARWINDistrito Federal
josebetomexDistrito Federal
cesarggfDistrito Federal
ikker26Distrito Federal
jcarlosgarciavDistrito Federal
ggomez91Distrito Federal
TolkienDistrito Federal
LoboEsaDistrito Federal
AbaddonDistrito Federal
EtzahiDistrito Federal
diegokuhDistrito Federal
LSC.EduardoDistrito Federal
AR142004Distrito Federal
Joule_CDistrito Federal
LizzyDistrito Federal